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Partner Guidelines

Wealthsimple Partnership Program

Welcome to the Wealthsimple Partner program! We are really excited to work together to help change how everyday Canadians invest their money, manage their spending, and file their taxes.

“Our mission, is to help everyone achieve financial freedom, no matter who they are or how much they have. We're reimagining what it means to manage your money by making simple, smart and affordable financial products for everyone.”

At Wealthsimple, whenever we need to make a decision, we put clients first. Because when it comes to their life, they’re the experts. Our goal is to empower clients to make the best decisions for themselves without making assumptions about their financial situation. We don’t know it all (and we don’t pretend to), we state the facts first and make it clear when we are offering an opinion. We ask you, as part of our Partnership program, to do the same.

For example, if we are writing an article for our website:

  • We would not say — Markets are at a three-week low. Which means it’s time to buy, buy, buy!

  • We would say — Markets have been on a wild ride this month. Which has a lot of people wondering what the heck is going on. Well, for starters...

Content created by our Partners that promotes Wealthsimple products may be subject to review and oversight from a number of regulatory bodies, including: Ad Standards, the Competition Bureau, the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO), and securities regulators (e.g. the Ontario Securities Commission). Each of these bodies have their own regulatory requirements and guidelines and we strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with them. Additionally, all of our of our Partners are required to follow our Partner Guidelines (below).


Don’t make representations/claims that are false or misleading

  • What if the claim is LITERALLY true? Something that is literally true but omits material information, or something that is technically true but is accompanied by a visual that creates a misleading general impression, may be considered misleading.

    • For example: If you claim that all Wealthsimple Self-directed Investing clients get unlimited free trades that is technically true (there are no fees charged on CAD trades and clients can make an unlimited number of CAD trades), but could be considered misleading because there are fx fees charged on US trades.

    • We think our products are a pretty good deal for customers, so we encourage you to be transparent about the limited fees we do charge when talking about Wealthsimple products.

  • Make sure that you have confirmed any facts about Wealthsimple.

    • For example: Wealthsimple is not a bank, so we can’t call it one.

    • Not sure if a representation/claim is false or misleading? Ask us!

Tell the world we are partners ❤️

  • Any partnership relationship, compensation, benefits and incentives, whether it is monetary or not, will need to be disclosed in a clear and upfront manner on ALL content.

    • When in doubt, spell it out — blanket disclosure somewhere on your page/site is not enough.

    • If using hashtags, don’t bury them at the end of the text or under the fold! Use one or more of the following hashtags: #ad, #sponsored, #Wealthsimple_Ambassador, #Wealthsimple_Partner.

Only share an opinion if it’s genuine

  • We hope that you love our products, but please make sure that anything you tell your followers about our products is your genuinely held opinion.

Don’t make stock/crypto recommendations

  • Don’t tell people what to do with their money.

    • You should avoid topics like: Top 5 stocks you should invest and Why it is good to buy (or sell) Bitcoin.

  • Don’t mention or showcase individual stocks or crypto (if you need to use a stock name to make a point we recommend using Kale Inc.!).

    • Mention of only a single stock or crypto may be viewed as a recommendation, even if the content does not contain any language that suggests the reader should trade that particular stock/crypto (we know this sounds silly, but unfortunately we know there have been complaints about this type of content in the past 😢).

    • You should avoid topics like: Everything you want to know about Dogecoin.

  • Avoid talking about just “buying” or just “selling” stocks or crypto. Instead, use “buy and sell” or “trade”.

Avoid conduct that would reasonably be expected to reflect poorly on Wealthsimple and/or its partnership program

Note: all Partner content must be reviewed by our legal team prior to publishing, so please ensure you provide adequate time for review. If you follow the guidelines above, legal review is usually pretty quick!


Ad Standards

Competition Bureau


Securities Commissions