
Saving isn’t an accident, it’s a skill. It’s also the bedrock of having a killer financial plan. We’ll help you learn how to do it better, and how to put your savings to work once you’ve socked something away.

How To Save Money - Top Saving Tips

You're wondering how to save money. It can be tough, but we have all the tips and tactics you need to get started saving money.

The 52 Week Money Challenge

Find out how to follow the 52 week money challenge and other money challenges to help you save or invest.

Best High-Interest Savings Accounts in Canada

Find best high interest savings accounts in Canada using our 2022 comparison. We provide tips on choosing and compare accounts, rates and more.

12 Best Money Saving Apps of 2022 in Canada

Here's a list of the best money saving apps in 2019 to help you organize your budget, tighten up your spending, and put some money aside.

How to Save for a House

Get advice, tips, and tricks to help you figure out how to save for a house and get the downpayment you need to own your dream home.

What Is A Savings Account? And How Do They Work

Wondering what a savings account is? We'll explain what they are, how savings accounts work, how to open one and calculate the interest you'll earn. We'll also let you in on something called high-yield savings accounts, the ones with the potential to earn a lot more interest.

Earn 1% interest with Wealthsimple Save.

Start saving

Other resources

Tax Calculator

Our free tax calculator will help you understand how much you owe in taxes, along with other useful information.

Learn more about saving

How to Save for a House

Get advice, tips, and tricks to help you figure out how to save for a house and get the downpayment you need to own your dream home.

What is an RESP?

Are you missing out on free money for your kids? You may qualify for free money simply by opening an RESP for your kids. Find out more here.

How To Save Money - Top Saving Tips

You're wondering how to save money. It can be tough, but we have all the tips and tactics you need to get started saving money.

What is Wealthsimple Cash? (Previously Save)

Wealthsimple Save is now Wealthsimple Cash. Learn more about saving and spending account with features similar to a chequing account and saving account.

Emergency Funds: What, Why & How Much

Even if you’re subsisting on $.30 packages of ramen, you still gotta have a kitchen in which you can prepare it. This is where the Emergency Fund steps up and saves the day.

What is the Canada Education Savings Grant (RESP Grant)

Want free money from the government? We bet that’s a resounding “yes”, especially if we’re suggesting you get it through legitimate means.

How to save for a wedding

Getting married? Fantastic. Got something borrowed? Something blue? The thousands it will cost to entertain friends and family? No? Help is here.

How to save for vacation

Pack your bags, you future vacation taker, you. We've got the perfect resource to save enough money for that getaway you've been plotting.

How to save up for a car

Vroom vroom, you future auto buyer, you. We've got the resources you'll need to get enough money together to get behind the wheel of your dream car.

What’s the best way to save for my wedding?

We'll tell you, but it might depend on when you plan on getting married.

What is the best way to save money?

In short, it depends on what you’re saving for. We've got all the information and tips you need to decide how to save.

How to create a savings plan

Find out how to create a solid savings plan. Foolproof advice to help you get your nest egg started and plan for Future You.

What Is A Savings Account? And How Do They Work

Wondering what a savings account is? We'll explain what they are, how savings accounts work, how to open one and calculate the interest you'll earn. We'll also let you in on something called high-yield savings accounts, the ones with the potential to earn a lot more interest.

How much cash should I keep as emergency savings?

The general rule of thumb is that you should have three to six months of expenses saved away.

How to save for college

Contributing to an RESP is an excellent way to save for your youngster's education.