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About us
Wealthsimple Media Inc. is the media arm of the Wealthsimple family. Wealthsimple Media Inc.'s mission is to provide Canadians with (a) analysis that increases awareness of financial matters, (b) information that demystifies finance, and (c) a source for reliable financial news. We strive to provide our audience with content that is unbiased, fun, educational, and, most important, helps Canadians achieve financial freedom.
Wealthsimple Media Inc. does not offer investment recommendations or research reports. We curate interesting content, but investors should not rely on that content when making investment decisions. Always do independent research before investing.
The Wealthsimple Media Inc. team strives to earn our audience’s trust by providing accurate information with an independent voice, without conflicts of interest.
Truth & Accuracy - Wealthsimple Media Inc. is committed to providing truthful and accurate information to our audience. Information used in Wealthsimple Media Inc.’s publications comes from a variety of sources, including: The New York Times, The Globe & Mail, The Wall Street Journal, the CBC, and many more. It also comes from interviews with primary sources and experts, conducted by our writers and editors. If we learn of an error in any of our recent publications, we will correct the error online and/or issue a correction in a subsequent publication.
Independence - The Managing Editor of Wealthsimple Media Inc. has editorial discretion over the content covered by Wealthsimple Media Inc.‘s publications. Decisions about what topics will be covered and how they will be presented are made by the Wealthsimple Media Inc. team. Views expressed in Wealthsimple Media Inc.’s publications are those of the individual author and/or of Wealthsimple Media Inc., not of Wealthsimple Technologies Inc. or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates.
Conflicts of Interest - To avoid conflicts of interest, we don’t originate reporting about other Wealthsimple entities, however we may cover information reported by other media organizations. If an individual author or editor (or their immediate family members) of an article owns stock in a company mentioned in an article they wrote or edited, we disclose it to our audience.
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